Ace of Cups: The Key to Emotional, Intuitive, and Creative Wellness

The card of the day is the ACE OF CUPS.

ace of chalices
Ace of Chalices (another name for Ace of Cups)

deck used: Prisma Visions Tarot

This Ace of Cups is a fertile seed, it is the key to your emotional, intuitive, and creative wellness; plant it wisely and cultivate with care.

Unlock your emotional, intuitive, and creative potential by giving your digestion a break.

You can help yourself along by paying close attention to what you eat. Think raw, fresh, and organic and you have the idea. Emphasize lighter enzyme-rich foods that are easier for your body to digest (fruit, vegetables, broths, and seafood).

Watch your health blossom on every level as you respond to your body’s needs. When your body is able to digest, this will release energy so you can digest your thoughts and emotions as well (I’m serious, give it a try!). Giving you energy to explore your intuition and creativity! Go for it.

How to get started: For 3 days focus on meals that are built around fruit, vegetables, seafood, and broths (as well as gluten-free grains plus olive oil, nuts, and seeds for fat). Eat until you feel satisfied (3 square meals or 6 mini meals each day) Be sure to stay hydrated by getting plenty of water, mineral water, herbal tea, and coconut water.



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